Snow Melting Long Island
Why Move Snow When You Can MELT It?
As innovators in the snow melting Long Island industry, and with
Snow Melters being in such high demand,
We have added to our expanding
fleet two of the most technologically advanced
machines on the market today:
The Trecan 135-PD (the “Beast”) and the Snow Dragon SND900.
Check out this stunning video and the
enormity of their power!
Let it Snow! Let it Snow! LET IT MELT!
East End Group and Outside Unlimited are leading National Snow & Ice Management Company. We have the most advanced technology in our cutting-edge snow melters: The Trecan 135-PD (the “Beast”) and the Snow Dragon SND900. These machines are high-capacity, efficient, mobile and quiet, designed for retail and commercial parking lot applications.
Due to development and environmental concerns, snow storage sites have become fewer and farther away. Melting snow onsite not only eliminates the need for snow storage land, it eliminates the need for large trucking projects, saving you money – often 25-35% versus trucking.
A few pretty impressive specs:
The Trecan 135-PD
24,000,000 BTU/Hour Output
Melts 135 Tons of Snow/Hour
540 Gallons/Minute Water Outflow

Snow Dragon SND900
9,000,000 BTU/Hour Output
Melts 40 Tons of Snow/Hour
130 Gallons/Minute Water Outflow

Additional Cost Saving Benefits
- Equipment mobility equals cost savings and efficiency
- Eliminates asphalt and concrete damaging convoys
- Eliminates snow piles on property, removing the need for de-icing due to freeze thaw
- Eliminates damage from snow piling on lawn areas and need for repairs in the spring
Safety and Environmental Benefits
- Reduces liability through much less equipment on site and on the road
- Filters water and greatly reduces amount of pollutants entering storm drains by filtering out trash, sediment, chemicals, and debris before placing the much cleaner water in the storm water system.
- Quiet operation – operates at less than 70 decibels, allowing for day and night service
- Greatly reduces exhaust emissions by eliminating trucking convoys
- Controls runoff and melting snow properly, directing it into the storm water system and not into lakes, rivers, and aquifers

Annual Winner Since 2015